
Iron King alternate ending ch2

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Literature Text

        Weeks went but… or was it days? Years? It was hard to tell anymore. Either way I was stuck in the same room and going crazy.

I paced back and forth, thinking about doing what prisoners do – you know, marking the wall for every day they've been there. However, it was kinda hard to tell when a day ended and another started. There were no clocks and the scene out my window was a hologram that had a tendency of showing day scenes. Last time it was London, and today it was a tropical beach. The swaying palm trees and pristine ocean looked deceptively peaceful. I wanted it to shatter. Or show a volcano about to blow. At least then it would match my mood.

    I felt like a prisoner, even though my door wasn't locked. The first time I had popped my head outside the door I was met by four stoic knights. Apparently, I could go anywhere I wanted as long as I kept them with me. Yeah right. My fancy room may feel like a cell, but it was better than being supervised/spied on by guards.

     Worry chewed at my edges. Did Ash get back okay? Is he after me now? Is he inside the Iron kingdom? If he is, is he alright? Is Puck still inside the tree? Did the changeling leave when Ethan came home?

    I picked up a controller, trying to distract myself with a video game. It was weird that they actually had an X box and PS3 in the Nevernever – but I guess it shouldn't be surprising that the Iron fey would own a TV and other hi tech stuff. They were born form them in a weird and convoluted way.

    When exhaustion took over, I flopped in the bed that was the size of Timbuktu, wrapping myself tight in the white sheets. Slept for a while. Woke up. Nibbled at the food the servants left. Paced. Looked out the window. Today it was a lake speckled with swans. Worry. Played games. Slept. Repeat.

    My cycle continued until one day (night?) I had visitors.  There was a cough at the door.
        I gasped in surprise and whirled around to find four knights in my door way.  One of them was painfully familiar – Tertius.

     "The King requests your presence." Tertius said. His voice was deeper than Ash's, a little rougher. I knew it wasn't him, but it didn't help the sudden wave of memories. They jumbled in my head in a confusing tangled mass before I realized that I was gaping like a retarded fish and he was waiting for a response.

     Snapping my jaws shut and shaking my head a little bit, I asked "What does he want from me?" my voice sounded surprising hoarse from disuse.

     "I think my Majesty would prefer he said himself."

     "Ah. Well…" I stretched and rubbed my eyes. I wanted to ask what he did about the witch wood arrow. A small part of my desperately hoped he kept it, or at least Machina didn't destroy the only weapon that was capable of killing him. I bit these questions down. For some reason I trusted Tetris. Maybe it was only because he looked like Ash, but I had a feeling he was the only thing in this place that wasn't eager to betray me. Either way, asking about the arrow in front of an audience wasn't wise.

     I pulled my hair into a quick pony tail and wedged my feet into some fuzzy slippers that where by my bed. I wriggled my toes indulgently in the plushy fabric. "Well, lead on." He cocked an eyebrow at the PJ's I was wearing, but didn't comment.

           For the first time I got a good look at the tower. It looked like the elves from Lord of the Rings decided to have a go at creating a castle out of metal. The arches that ran down the hall where elegant and curvy and each door frame were intricately detailed with designs made from 1's and 0's.
The corridor led into a bigger one, and I had to almost run too keep up with the knights' brisk pace. I heard the faint thrum of music through the walls – Techno? Rock? And laughter lilting in the air. It gave me the urge to dance and I quickly shoved off the craving. My escort would probably leave me behind if I succumbed to the glamour.
We took too many turns to count and encountered only a few of the Iron fey, most of them crazily colored from their hair to their feet like they just jumped out of a Manga. I tried to ignore them as they pointedly stared at me. One with violet eyes and spikey electric hair caught my eye and winked, slowly clapping as he gave me a wolfish grin. "The queen has come out of hiding at last!"
My guards gave quick bows but kept moving, "Glitch" one of them murmured. Before I could come up with a reply we were already too far apart and at a giant set of metal double doors. They gracefully swung open without warning, revealing the throne room.

       Machina lounged on a throne, one boot clad leg casually propped up on the arm rest. My guards immediately knelt down, a fist over their hearts. "My King, I have brought your Queen as asked." Tertius announced

       "You took longer than I would have hoped for," Machina said lazily, his eyes sliding from the guard to me. The cables that protruded from his back limply hung over the armrest to the floor. He wore a trench coat, and I idly wondered how he was able to get into it.

      "How have you been enjoying your stay Meghan Chase?" He asked. "Have all your needs been met?"

       For a moment I didn't say anything, just stared back into his black eyes until it hit me that he asked a question and I should probably answer. Anger smoldered in my chest. Even if he's acting civil, I couldn't forgive him for what he did to Ethan and how Ash almost died.

      "What do want?" I didn't feel very patient or loving towards my captor at the moment.

    He eased gracefully from his throne, sauntering over. "Always to the point." Amusement danced in his black eyes as he offered me his arm, "I wanted to take a walk with my fair Queen. Is that too much to ask?"

Yeah right. I had a feeling there was more to this. I ignored the silent offer to take his elbow and crossed my arms "Where are we going?"

    "To the private gardens," He replied lightly, unperturbed my rejection as he led the way towards a side exit.  

     I blinked. Wait, I thought we are on a giant piece of metal. "You have gardens here?"
     "Of a sort yes. They are not the ones you're used to."

     Like a gentlemen he opened the door for me and led me down a hall that seemed seldom used, but meticulously kept none the less. I thought about the things I wanted to say to him as we strode in silence, something along the lines of hating for what he did and hoping that he would choke on his choice in the end. He seemed content with the silence, the scuff of my slippers the only sound between us.

    Finally, we came to the end of the passage that spilled us onto an alien sight. The garden was the mockery of a forest – The trees where twisted scraps of copper, their fingers stretched in an almost painful way towards the sky. Metallic flowers sprung in random patches, their petals made of delicate foil. Everything rasped whenever a puff of wind blew through.

         I noticed that we both stopped walking and he was gazing at me intently, as if fascinated my reaction.

         "Do you think this hideous?" He asked, one of his iron cables snaking to the ground to pluck an iron flower.
"No…it's just different."

        "Soon the Nevernever will look like this garden."

        I thought about Puck. When he woke up and returned to the world of faery, would he find a metal forest instead? The Nevernever was his home, where he was happy and could be himself. I remember the first time we entered the world of faery, how excited he was. My heart squeezed in sympathy. If he came back to something like this, it would break his heart. No! I thought, I won't let this happen.

      I suddenly felt self-conscious under Machina's scrutiny. Being in PJ's and fuzzy slippers didn't help my confidence level either.

       "This," He motioned at the landscape of twisted metal and took the plucked flower from his cable "may not be what your used to. Many would abhor such an abomination replacing Mother Nature. But this is not a reflection me or my wants – it is the reflection of the mortals and what they strive for. That is what the fey are Meghan, fragments of dreams, belief, and emotions." He swiftly tucked the blossom behind my ear before I had time to jerk back.

       "I already know what the fey are," I sighed irritably, untangling offending flower from my hair and nonchalantly threw it aside. I didn't expect a debate and wasn't in the mood for one, but I wasn't going to pretend that I agreed with what he said.

      "So, who gave you the title of being the dominate part of human dreams?  Since all fey are reflections of dreams, emotions, etc., what gives you the right to kill them?"
He was still a moment, and for a second I was terrified that I pissed him off and he would turn me into an IPod, queen or not.

       Suddenly, he threw his head back and laughed. It made me jump. "Ah, you're more entertaining than I thought," he chuckled more to himself than me. "The Iron fey are no different than the others. Have you ever wondered why the fey fight each other constantly?"

      "Because their bored and bloodthirsty." I swatted at a metal insect that flew too close to my face.

      "That," he started walking again, and I followed, "and because humans fight. They struggle to make their voice dominate over others, that their ideals be followed or agreed with. The fey, manifestation of ideals and beliefs, do the same."

      "That is why I will eventually take the Nevernever my love. Not because of my opponents weakness to iron, nor my determination to conquer, but because an overwhelming amount humans will it so. If I don't do it, or if I fail, another will take my place."

      "You make it sound you don't have a choice," I cocked my head to the side, thinking "Everyone has a choice. Just because you were created from people who dream of technology doesn't mean you have to do what they want."

      He shook his head "You make it sound so easy. Do you believe in God?"

    "Um…" The question caught me off guard. "I honestly never thought about it."
"If he didn't want you do certain things, wouldn't he have made impossible for you do them? Such as living an eternal life, staying youthful forever."

     "But who's to say what we are and aren't supposed to do?" I asked defiantly "God didn't give us wings, but we still have airplanes and fly, don't we? We overcome obstacles, expand our horizons because that is what we want and choose to do."

     His brow furrowed, and for a moment he seemed to be in deep consideration. The expression only lasted a second though, and his face returned to its usual unreadable mask.

   "Let me clarify: some things can easily change due to free will and determination, others things are not meant to change. Ever."

    "Alright." I said, suddenly tired of this random argument. I don't know what I was trying to persuade him to do anyways. Make him be the good guy? Coax him out of killing the Nevernever?

    "Is that it? Just admit defeat when you've gone out of your depth of knowledge?" I didn't have to look at him to know that his eyebrow was cocked. I didn't like that tone – it was a mix of exasperation, amusement, and…disappointment?  But now he just wanted to keep debating, and I wasn't about to give him what he wanted.

   "Yup yup," I made my voice a tinge smug and smiled, taking my que from Puck, "You are correct my King, I am sorry for ever questioning your flawless, yet depressing, opinions."

   "Excellent," he sarcastically drawled, the cables in his back flicking in agitation "I'm glad to have enlightened you to my ways. If you have any other opinions that you would like me to change, don't be afraid to speak with me in the future."
"I'll keep that in mind." I quipped right back, rolling my eyes. I wanted to say "Why yes, I'd like you to convince me that you're not a total douche bag. Oh wait, you can't can you?" But I didn't want to egg him on further. I really didn't want to get turned into a keyboard, or a toaster or whatever he does with people that anger him.

   We were quite for a while. I was unwilling to break the silence, so I just took in my surroundings and ignored him. It was a pleasantly warm outside, and neon blue and purple butterflies with metallic bodies flitted among the flowers. A tree was in bloom, but instead of fruit it had light bulbs. Even though the sky was a pukish yellow color from pollution, I found myself relaxing. It seemed like I had been cooped up in doors forever.
We came upon a stone balcony which gave a soaring view of the Iron kingdom. I never knew how vast it really was. The heaps of random junk went on and on in all directions. Ribbons of lava slithered through the landscape, giving it a post-apocalyptic look. I imagined hundreds of bloody zombies staggering from the wreckage, moaning for flesh as they mindlessly flocked towards the tower. Even though the thought was ridiculous, it made me shiver.

    "I think it's about time we get down to business," Machina's quite voice interrupted my thoughts. He sat on the wide balcony railing, patting the spot next to him. I crossed my arms.

   "I think I'll stand, thank you."

   I saw with satisfaction as he took a long, silent sigh. "Suit yourself."

   "So what do you want?"

   "I want you to marry me."

   "What?!" I practically screeched, "That was NOT a part of the deal! There's no way in hell I'm going to marry you!" I was appalled. A marriage proposal was the last thing I expected or wanted. What the hell was he thinking?

    "You don't have a choice," He smiled wryly, "You have to marry me to become queen, love."

    "Don't call me that!" I snapped. No no no no! This can't be happening! "Isn't it enough to give me, what, a crown or something and call it good?" I asked desperately.
He shook his head, humor dancing in his black eyes, "It would be beneficial if we host some kind of ceremony. It would be a good chance to make a public display of taking your place as queen," He brushed a strand of silver hair from his face, "Usually we don't care for such human like ceremonies, but since I am King it would be wise to make a more official announcement of my new co-ruler. It would also allow you to meet all of my lieutenants and earn their respect."

   "But… why a marriage why don't we have some kind of meet and greet instead?" I pleaded. Some people in high school get married before they graduated, but I never dreamed I'd be joining that group. And after marriage … oh god I don't want to be pregnant!

   "You don't understand," There was a hint of steel in his voice. I had a terrible feeling that I wouldn't be getting out of this "You will marry me. My subjects need to see their queen and recognize you as my equal. It is how I rule Meghan – I do no hide behind advisors and messengers. My subjects see me face to face. And you will rule the same and not hide in your room."

    Heat bloomed in my cheeks. I clenched my fist to fight the urge to push him off terrace. Or throw myself over the edge. I know I wasn't the bravest person in the world, but I didn't like getting called a coward and getting forced into a marriage. My eyes started to sting, and I turned away. Don't cry now stupid! I thought, fighting back tears or frustration and anger. I thought about Ash, but it only made it harder to hold back.
There was a touch at my shoulder. I didn't have to feel the jolt of electricity to know that it was Machina. Without turning around, I marched away. Fey prey on the weak I remembered Ash saying. I couldn't let the King see me like this.

   "Alright," I called over my shoulder, trying to keep my voice steady and sarcastic, "See you on our wedding day,"

    I didn't hear him following me, and when I was sure I was out of sight I broke into a jog, and then a run. I raced through the garden, my slippers getting caught on random scraps of metal. The abnormal trees and plants blurred in my vision, and I pushed myself harder.

     Coward! I thought, savagely wiping at my stinging eyes. I guess he wasn't wrong after all.
Sorry if their little "philisphical" discussion was boring :p Machina stikes me as a philiosphical-ish guy, and I wanted Meghan to show Machina that she is capable of brainy-ish shtuff.

Stay tuned for more :)

Chapter 1- [link]
Chapter 3- [link]
© 2011 - 2024 kyra-love
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brenecia14's avatar
Love this!! omg you are soooooo AWESOME!!! This seems like it could really be written by Julie, also I love the humor in it. Meghan was totally awesome in this, as she always is^_^ i'm about to read the third chapter. thank you for this masterpiece!!*w*